Saturday, February 24, 2007

I have been home sick for the last two days. With all the knitting time I've managed to finish two small things! Woohoo! The socks are knit from some Opal I bought years ago. I knit the first sock on bamboo DP's and hated them so bad I put the sock away. I knit the second one with my favorite metal needles and it went much better. Makes me wonder why I waited so long! I'm not sure if I'll keep these or give them away. The scarf is Argosy from Knitty. I loved this pattern! In my cold medicine fogged brain, I decided thatMike, one of my dobes would make a cute model. He didn't understand why I was humiliating him but he was good natured about it!. The scarf will be put away as a Christmas present, I think.


Elysbeth said...

Mike is so cute! It's funny how they get that *I'm only doing this because I love you* look.

Hope you are feeling better. Treat yourself well.

Amelia of Ask The Bellwether said...

The Argosy is lovely - thanks for sharing! I have second-sock syndrome too; for some reason it won't come out the same gauge as the first. Sigh. So I keep putting the bag back. Haven't touched it in two months now, at least ...

Leah said...

I'm thinking the dog looks fabulous in the scarf :) What a cute photo! The scarf is really nice too...and yay on finishing the socks as well. I'm catching a head cold/sinus thingee and am not even sure I could pick up a pair of needles and concentrate properly so you did good!